Peer Review Process

All manuscripts and articles submitted to Indonesian Journal of Environment & Health (JENH) are subject to peer review process and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. If approved by the editor, submissions will be considered by double-blind peer-reviewers, whose all personal identities will remain anonymous to the authors. If your article is based on a conference/seminar article which may have been published elsewhere, it is important that you observe the following: The submitted article must have been substantially revised, expanded and rewritten so that it is significantly/totally different from the conference/seminar paper or presentation on which it is based. The article must be sufficiently or totally different to make it a new, original work. As a guide, you should aim to have more than 75% new material/content. This is a matter of judgment and will be based on a comparison of the submitted article with the original conference/seminar paper. The original conference/seminar article should be supplied by the author of the expanded article for the purpose of comparison. All such articles will be subject to the same review process as any other submitted article. If the original conference article on which the extended article is based has been published elsewhere, or the copyright has been assigned to the conference organizers or another party, authors should ensure that they have cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owners. Articles will not be accepted, post-review, for publication unless such written permissions have been provided along with the author.

The peer review process involved several steps which are summarized below:

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The review process will take about one to three months. Articles accepted with minor or major revisions should be revised as the reviewer comments and suggestions.